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Liberty Lake Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 1998, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 5 (SGM-5) ... Tags Liberty Lake Quadrangle, idaho; Kootenai County, idaho Summary Personal and File Geodatabase (GIS data) ... of the Post Falls Quadrangle and Part of the Liberty Lake Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 1998, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 5 (SGM-5), GIS Dataset ...

idahogeologicAL SURVEY ... PART OF THE MOSCOW WEST QUADRANGLE, LATAH COUNTY, idaho ... Barker, R.J., 1981, Soil survey of Latah County area, idaho: U.S. Department of Qp ...

Latah and Nez Perce Counties, idaho, 2001, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 11 ... surficial geology, Moscow East Quadrangle, Moscow West Quadrangle, Latah County, idaho Summary Digital geologicmap data (GIS database) of the Surficial ... of the Moscow East Quadrangle and Part of the Moscow West Quadrangle, Latah County, idaho, 2001, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 11 (SGM-11). These data ...

Kootenai County, idaho, 1999, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 8 (SGM-8), GIS Dataset ... IGS publication SGM-8, Surficial geologicmap of the Hayden Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 1999. This Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately ... this dataset. Projection: Data Projection and Coordinate System: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

Quadrangle, Valley County idaho, idahogeological Survey geologicmap 51 (GM-51), 2016. GIS Dataset ... the IGS publication GM-51, geologicmap of the Stibnite Quadrangle, Valley County idaho, 2016. This GIS data set is approximately compliant with the draft standard ... are included with this dataset. Data Projection and coordinate system—idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. Files included ...

Western Snake River Plain, idaho, 1992, idahogeological Survey geologicmap 18 (GM-18) Conversion Start ... geologicmap of the Boise Valley and Adjoining Area, Western Snake River Plain, idaho, 1992. This Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately ... dataset. Projection: Data Projection and coordinate system: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

Latah and Nez Perce Counties, idaho, 2001, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 10 (SGM- 10), GIS ... geologicmap of the Green Knob Quadrangle, Latah and Nez Perce Counties, idaho, 2001. This Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately compliant ... this dataset. Projection: Data Projection and Coordinate System: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 2000, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 9 (SGM- 9), GIS Dataset ... SGM-9, Surficial geologicmap of the Hayden Lake Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 1999. This Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately compliant with the ... this dataset. Projection: Data Projection and Coordinate System: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 1999, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 7 (SGM- 7), GIS Dataset ... SGM-7, Surficial geologicmap of the Coeur d'Alene Quadrangle, Kootenai County, idaho, 1999. The Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately compliant with the ... dataset. Projection: Data Projection and Coordinate System: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

GIS data set for the geologicmap of the Deadwood River 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, idaho. 2016/03/17 SEE METADATA attached to this Geodatabase data set ... source is the IGS publication GM-45, geologicmap of the Deadwood River 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, idaho, 2006. This Personal Geodatabase is approximately compliant with the draft ... geodatabase are included with this dataset. Data Projection and coordinate system—idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. Files included with ...

GIS data set for the geologicmap of the Twin Falls 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, idaho. 2015/07/14 SEE METADATA attached to this Geodatabase data set ... IGS publication GM-49, geologicmap of the Twin Falls 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, idaho. This Personal Geodatabase is approximately compliant with the draft standard ...

GIS data set for the geologicmap of the Arco 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, South-Central idaho. 2015/07/07 SEE METADATA attached to this Geodatabase data set ... GM-47, geologicmap of the Arco 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, south-central idaho. This Personal Geodatabase is approximately compliant with the draft standard ... in PDF format geologicmapoftheArco30x60-idaho_IGS-GM-47_10-2-2.mxd—ESRI project file for Arcmap 10.2.2 ...

Western Part of the Salmon 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, idaho and Montana: idahogeological Survey geologicmap 52 (GM-52), 2016. GIS ... publication GM-52, geologicmap of the Western Part of the Salmon 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, idaho and Montana, 2016. This GIS data set is approximately compliant with the draft ... are included with this dataset. Data Projection and coordinate system—idaho State Plane, Central Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. Files included ...






Part of the Uniontown Quadrangle, Latah and Nez Perce Counties, idaho, 2001, idahogeological Survey Surficial geologicmap 13 (SGM-13), GIS Dataset ... Quadrangle and Part of the Uniontown Quadrangle, Latah and Nez Perce Counties, idaho, 2001. The Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately ... this dataset. Projection: Data Projection and Coordinate System: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

Elmore Counties, idaho, 1997, idahogeological Survey map 7 (M-7) Introduction: ... M-7, Geology of the Boise Basin Vicinity, Boise, Ada, and Elmore Counties, idaho, 1997. This Personal Geodatabase (and File Geodatabase) is approximately ... dataset. Projection: Data Projection and coordinate system: idaho State Plane, West Zone, Feet, NAD27, Transverse Mercator. ...

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