2001 Annual Teachers' Summer
Field Workshop:
A week of Learning Science
Tom Walker explaining the research project.
Participants picking up instructional material for the week.
Because of the diversity of teaching disciplines, each teacher develops a
different learning experience.
Here is a special example of one teacher's opportunity to return a little to
everyone. Thank You Marsha
A Short Poem
By: Marsha Brown
I got here on a Sunday
very nervous that I'd be
not the very brightest
when it came to geology.
A notebook, I was given
and franticly I wrote
of every rock and outcroup
I kept a careful note.
You gave us words to define
like tectonic, scarp, and chert,
you handed me a hand lens,
but all I saw was dirt.
We took an auger to a field
George dug with all his might,
Steve quickly passed the acid
and it fizzed which meant calcite.
On a jaunt to Dingle
we discovered something grand
it looked alot like quartzite
along an alluvial fan.
We found dingluviants in
dingluvium which dingluviated twice.
It produced striations of dingluviants
and it fizzes kind of nice.
An amateur geologist
is all I'll ever be,
and I get a little nervous
with my new vocabulary.
So here's to tertiary,
alluvial, basalt,
Precambrian, strike-slip,
and over-thrust fault.
Lesson Plans
Geologic Hazards Curriculum Development Project.
Resource Information:USGS
Bear Lake Project
Digital Atlas of Idaho Location Maps: Southeastern Idaho Road
Idahoans have experienced earthquakes both large and small throughout Idaho's history. Idaho is growing; both geologically and culturally. As people and businesses relocate to Idaho, the need for increased awareness of geologic hazards and the risks becomes more apparent. |