2006 Idaho Earth Science Teachers Field
Geology and Geologic Hazards at Clark
Fork-Pend Oreille Lake
July 8-13, 2006

Pend Oreille near
Hope, site of the 2006 Workshop
Belt Nerds in Training

Lightning Creek Floodplain
The Idaho Geological Survey (IGS) holds a field
workshop for Idaho earth science teachers every summer. Major funding
for the workshop is provided by the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security.
The IGS donates staff salaries equal in value to this funding. Academic
is available through the University of Idaho. In 2006, the workshop was
held at Sam Owen Campground, on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille near
Hope, Idaho. This website provides a record of workshop activities.
Feel free to use any images and text on this website, but please
acknowledge the IGS and the author or photographer.
The workshop is designed for in-service Idaho
teachers. While many workshop participants teach middle school earth
science, the workshop is open to all educators of any grade level or
subject. Expertise or prior training in the earth sciences is not
required. Participation by non-teachers or out-of-state educators is
provided on a space-available basis.
Go to Downloadable Teaching Activities
For Further Information
Idaho Geological Survey
University of Idaho
PO Box 443014
Moscow, ID 83844-3014
Support for the 2006 Workshop was provided by:
Idaho Geological
Idaho Bureau of
Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management
National Energy Foundation
Idaho Mining
Earth Science Teachers Association
Thanks to Jim Cash and Jean Robinson for providing many of the photos
used in this web site.
Special thanks to Stephen Weiser (Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security,
retired) for his enthusiatic past support of the workshop, and to Mark
McFaddan (North Idaho College) for exceptional teaching.
Workshop Objectives
The workshop seeks to reduce losses from natural
hazards by training K12 teachers in hazard recognition and mitigation.
Teachers are provided information and support to help them develop
natural hazard educational activities for their local classrooms. The
workshop also promotes high quality teaching of the earth sciences in
Idaho schools by providing instruction on important geological concepts
and Idaho's unique geologic history. In 2006, the workshop focused on
the following subjects:
• natural hazard recognition and
mitigation, particularly those caused by earthquakes, mass wasting and
• review of mineralogy and
• geology and geomorphology of the
ice dam area of Glacial Lake Missoula
• sedimentation and stratigraphy
of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup
• techniques of teaching natural
hazards and earth science
Teaching Staff
The workshop is taught by geologists from the Idaho
Geological Survey (IGS) and a hazard mitigation expert from the Idaho
Bureau of Homeland Security (BHS). In 2006, these included Bill
Phillips and Roy Breckenridge (IGS), and Stephen Weiser (BHS, retired).
We were fortunate to obtain further teaching and geological expertise
from Mark
McFaddan (North Idaho College) and Jim Cash (Moscow School District).
Staff Biographies
Academic Credit
Participants may take the workshop for two
academic credits through the University of Idaho. University credit is
assigned by the workshop coordinator, Bill Phillips, on a Pass/Fail
basis. Due to the workshop format, incompletes cannot be given except
in case of illness or family emergency. In 2006, the requirements for
receiving academic credit for the workshop from the University of Idaho
1. Attend all field trips, lectures, short course,
and other instructional activities noted in the Schedule of Events.
2. Develop a workshop project. This project may
consist of a lesson plan, a research project, or other educational
activity. Consult with Bill Phillips regarding suitable projects.
Participants may work in groups, but the group size may not exceed
3. Present an oral project summary or demonstration
in the Friday morning seminar. Group presentations are fine. A one page
outline of the project is also required. The outline may be
hand-written. A laptop computer, printer, overhead projector,
projection screen and data projector will be available for participants.
Photos of Activities
Examining Sedimentary Structures in the Precambrian Belt Supergroup

Making Rubbings of Glacial Striations

Rock and Mineral Identification Short Course

Discussion of Flooding at Clark Fork

NOTE: Lightning Creek was flooded in early November, 2006. Here are
links to newpaper accounts of the flooding. Thanks to Jean Robinson for
bringing this to my attention.
Examination of Glacial Deposits

Presentations by Workshop Participants

Staff Presentations
to Workshop (8 mb PDF File; Bill Phillips with thanks to R. Lewis,
R. Breckenridge, S. Weiser, M. McFaddan, R. Burmester, Ice Age
Institute, USGS)
The Belt Supergroup in the Sandpoint Area
(29 mb PDF File; Mark McFadden)
Workshop Projects
Workshop participants were asked to devise and present a lesson plan or
activity using material presented during the workshop. Here are
outlines of the activities (PDF files files unless otherwise noted).
Please acknowledge the author if you download and use any of these
Using Venn Diagrams to Sort Rocks by Color (Cathy Bayes)
Kootenai River Valley Watershed Studies: A Year-Long Interdisciplinary
Theme (Doreen Beck Overheads
Poetry and Earth Science, and Idaho History/Geology (Jennifer Emory)
Mineral Treasure Hunt (Steve
Rock Cycle (Barbara McCabe)
Comparison of Bonneville and Missoula Floods (Jim Wilcox)
Making a Winogradosky Column (Jean
Rock Identification Activity (Suzanne
Geology Field Trip Project (Tim
Geology "Jeopardy" Game (Scott Little,Word
Dam Debate (Gary Smith, Word)
Igneous Stick (Word)
and Handout (Word)
(Perky Smith-Hagadone)
Course Evaluations
At the end of the workshop, participants were asked
to provide a confidential evaluation of the workshop experience.
Details of this evaluation are given in the links below.
Evaluation Form
Statistical Summary
Discussion of Evaluation Results