Teton Region Seismicity.jpg (114186 bytes)  Geology and Earthquakes of the Teton Valley.    Teton Fault Scarp.jpg (88506 bytes)  Fault Scarp

Hebgan Quake Scarp.jpg (90506 bytes) View along the 1959 scarp of the Hebgen Lake fault at Cabin Creek.

Jackson, Wyoming.jpg (86365 bytes) View of Jackson, Wyoming and the Tetons looking North from the top of Snow King Mountain.


Menan Buttes.jpg (83666 bytes)  Shaded relief topographic map of the Menan Buttes.

Aerial view of crater rim.jpg (73392 bytes) Aerial oblique view of the north Menan Butte crater and crater rim.

N Crater Rim Menan Butte.jpg (100545 bytes)
Exposure of pyroclastic material in the crater rim of the North Menan Butte.

Civil-Defense Cave.jpg (88246 bytes)
Entrance to the "Civil Defense Cave" lava tube near St. Anthony and Juniper Buttes.


Aerial View Dunes.jpg (82543 bytes) Aerial view of an active dune area within the St Anthony Dune Field.

Aerial oblique of dunes.jpg (82970 bytes) Aerial oblique view of the St. Anthony Dunes and a cinder pit in the South Juniper Butte.


Dam Breach 1.jpg (89285 bytes) View of dam breach from the upstream side a few days after the failure.

Dam cross-section.jpg (96811 bytes) View of dam cross section as it remains today.

Downstream days following.jpg (98488 bytes) View of the Teton River downstream from the Dam Viewpoint a few days later.

Downstream of Dam Today.jpg (96803 bytes) View of the Teton River downstream from the dam Viewpoint as it looks today.



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