DWM-194 Geologic Map of the Paddock Valley Reservoir Quadrangle, Payette and Washington Counties, Idaho
DWM-195 Geologic Map of the Sheep Ridge Quadrangle, Payette County, Idaho
DWM-196 Geologic Map of the Hog Cove Butte Quadrangle, Gem and Payette Counties, Idaho
DWM-197 Geologic Map of the Cherry Gulch Quadrangle, Payette and Gem Counties, Idaho
DWM-214 Geologic Map of the Weiser South Quadrangle, Payette and Washington Counties, Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon
DWM-215 Geologic Map of the Payette Quadrangle, Payette County, Idaho, and Malheur County, Oregon
DWM-216 Geologic Map of the Birding Island Quadrangle, Payette County, Idaho
DWM-218 Geologic Map of the Mann Creek Northwest Quadrangle, Washington County, Idaho