Geology of the Kamiah Buttes area, Idaho County, Idaho
Geologic map of the Weiser embayment
Geologic map of the Columbia River basalt near Riggins, Idaho
Generalized geologic map of eastern Owyhee County, Idaho, and vicinity
Geologic map of the pre-Cougar Point Tuff volcanic units in the upper Sheep Creek drainage area, south-central Owyhee County Idaho
Geologic map of the Island Park area, Idaho and adjacent Wyoming and Montana
Geologic map for the Magic Reservoir area
Generalized geologic map of the Big southern Butte, Idaho
Geologic sketch map of Split Butte
Geologic sketch map of Sand Butte
Geologic map of the Raft River basin, Cassia County, Idaho
Generalized map of intracanyon basalt flows along the Boise River, Idaho