Geologic sketch map of southeastern part of the Grouse 15-minute quadrangle showing the Copper Basin thrust in relation to Blizzard Mountain ski lift tower and locations of vent craters and cinder cones in Lava creek at the northern end of the Great Rift
Geologic sketch map and cross sections of the Fish Creek Reservoir area
Simplified geologic map of the southern half of the Rock Roll Canyon 7.5 minute quadrangle showing location of stop 2-7 and 2-8
Geologic map of Magic Hot Springs area showing hydrothermal sites
Generalized map of the Mackay region Idaho
Surficial geologic map of Boulder Creek area and location of Stop 1
Surficial geologic map of Prairie Creek area and locations of stops 2 and 2a.
Surficial geologic map of Stanley Basin
Surficial geologic map of the Pole Creek area (stop 3)
Surficial geologic map of the Fourth of July Creek area (stop 5)