Major Oxide and Trace Element Analyses for Volcanic Rock Samples From Idaho, 1996 Through 2006

Digital Analytical Data (DAD): DAD-4

Digital Analytical Data (DAD): DAD-4
Year: 2007
John D. Kauffman
The file provides analyses of whole-rock chemistry, sample locations, and lithologies on 369 volcanic rock samples collected from 1996 through 2005. Most of the samples are from the Columbia River Basalt Group, Snake River Group, and Idaho Group; a few are from the Kamiah volcanics, Idavada volcanics, and undivided basalt and andesite flows and dikes. Data are compiled in an Excel spreadsheet, version 9.0.x, and released as a WinZip file. Available only as a download. See DAD-1 for additional analyses. A metadata file is included in Acrobat Reader (PDF) format.
Date Added: 04/26/2007

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