DAD-7 presents the whole-rock chemistry, locations, and lithology of 1,106 rock samples collected from 1976 through 1980 for the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) program of the U.S. Department of Energy. The rock samples were collected along with stream-sediment samples in the Challis and Hailey 1 x 2 degree quadrangles in central Idaho. The stream-sediment data were eventually published, and a summary report of the Challis quadranglerock data was released in 1982. Here we present the complete whole-rock data set, compiled in 2011 and 2012, as well as our own interpretations of the results.
Data are compiled in an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx format),and released as a WinZip file. Available only as a download. Metadata is included (FGDC XML).
Also available: Challis quadrangle photo-micrographs, (55 mb PDF).
Also available: Hailey quadrangle photo-micrographs, (5 mb PDF).