About IGS

The Idaho Geological Survey (IGS) is the lead agency for collecting and disseminating geologic information and mineral data for Idaho and has served the state since 1919. The Survey's mission is to provide the state with timely and relevant geologic information. IGS has offices in Moscow and Boise.

Geologic Mapping

Geologic maps depict the distribution of rock types, surficial sediments, and geologic structures, such as faults and folds, as they appear on the earth’s surface. They enhance the ability to identify and develop mineral and energy resources, understand groundwater and surface water systems, locate and prepare for natural hazards, conduct scientific research, and inform policy makers on land-use decisions.

Publication Submission
IGS Map Search


Idaho is endowed with natural resources that include metallic and industrial minerals, groundwater, oil and gas, and geothermal. These resources are important to Idaho’s economy and are necessary to maintain and increase our standard of living. The IGS conducts research and provides information that enables the development of these resources in an efficient and socially responsible manner.

Oil and Gas
Geothermal Resources
Mines & Minerals


Geologic conditions and human activities can result in a variety of hazards such as landslides, rockfall, debris flow, earthquakes, liquefaction, volcanic eruptions, and expansive soils. As the human footprint in Idaho grows it is critical to understand and identify geologic hazards so their impacts can be mitigated, and losses can be minimized. The IGS conducts fundamental research on geologic hazards and provides data to the public, state and federal agencies, local municipalities, academic researchers, and engineering consultants.



The Survey disseminates geologic data on Idaho primarily through IGS publications (most of which are available for free download), interactive web map apps, social media, in-house collections, and efforts by the staff to educate the public in the earth sciences. The IGS seeks to promote excellence in the teaching and practice of the earth sciences by giving educational presentations, participating in outreach events statewide, and preparing outreach materials.

Earth Science Education
Workshops for Teachers
The Belt Association